2007年11月29日 星期四

useful firefox extension


which requires Privoxy and Tor


Gmail S/MIME







CLI Magic: No-nonsense network

good introduction document.

Atop is a system and process manager that displays network traffic, along with other useful information such as CPU consumption, memory usage, and a process list. Atop has a handful of options to be passed to at startup. To see network network-related information and save it to a log file located in /var/log, start the application with atop -N > /var/log/atopnet.log.

Bmon is a bandwidth monitor for network connections. With it you can selectively watch a certain network card or a many of them, and even keep an eye on interfaces that are down (using the -a switch). Bmon can show results using either ASCII mode or the curses library, and can even generate statistics in an HTML file. If started without any options, bmon will show interface statistics using ncurses and display all available network connections. Once the application is started, you can press the g key to enable graphical mode and d to enable detailed statistics. If your server has subinterfaces, you can view them by pressing the f key.

Bwmon is similar to bmon, but it provides limited options. It shows bandwidth usage in curses mode and has options to show average bandwidth utilization since last boot (using -a), print maximum bandwidth utilization since the last launch of the program (using -m), and specify update timeout (using -u value).

Netwatch is an invaluable tool when it comes to network monitoring, and one of my personal favorites. It can not only show what IP addresses or hostnames are communicating with the outside, but also what ports they are using. Netwatch is great when you are a network administrator in a small or medium-sized office and your users are constantly downloading large files from the Internet. It can email you warnings about bandwidth usage (if you use the -u warnuser option) and can log all or specific packets.

Speedometer is a little different from the rest of these tools. It measures network traffic and the speed or progress of a certain file transfer. Let's say you want to see how fast someone can download a file from your server and how the download is going in real time. Enter speedometer filename, and the program will draw a progress bar that shows the speed of the transfer. It can print the RX and TX rates on a per-interface basis (using -rx iface and -tx iface). You can use speedometer to test the upstream speed of your ADSL line, the transfer speed of your LAN, or the time needed to send a file to a server.

vlc web client

I make a mistake that think the javascript API is different from the one in documentation.
The fact is that both the javascript APIs co-exists, and the verion string is used as the key to activate one of them.

Maybe I will come back to document more methods/attributes for these two api and activex interface.

2007年11月27日 星期二

another vlc usage

pipe from standard input

# cat /tmp/0831-1.ogg | vlc -I dummy \
--sout-all \ "#transcode{acodec=vorb,ab=128}:standard{access=http,mux=ogg,dst=}" \
- vlc:qiut

NOTE: "-I dummy" will disable the use of visual interface.

# vlc -I dummy -L --no-video --sout-all "#transcode{acodec=vorb,ab=128}:standard{http,mux=ogg,dst=}" /tmp/abc.ogg

How to fire up a vlc client, and setup multiple input/output stream concurrently ?

28 papers on real-time and embedded Linux

something interesting

2007年11月26日 星期一

CentOS +vlc

Install vlc on a CentOS 4.5 box and a windows client.

It is possible to send voice data into a fifo (cat some-ogg-data > a-ogg-fifo), then config
vlc to stream a-ogg-fifo to somewhere.

If vlc stream the fifo file before another process (says, cat some-ogg-data > a-ogg-fifo, here) writes to the fifo, the streaming process will fail. (i.e. a short delay before vlc to make sure there is something in the fifo. or maybe there is a method to probe this, then fire up vlc)

btw, if 'cat' process doesn't generate the fifo quick enough, the vlc may stop. how to start the vlc again is another issue.

The sample vlc command looks like

vlc -I console \
--no-interact \
--extraintf telnet \
--no-show-intf \
-vvv \
-L \
/tmp/abc.ogg \
--no-video \
--sout "#transcode{acodec=vorb,ab=128}:standard{access=http,mux=ogg,dst=}"

If you like to run vlc without X-window (in Linux environment), it is necessary to switch interface of vlc into skinnable.

2007年11月19日 星期一

A developer's perspective on Google's Android SDK

A developer's perspective on Google's Android SDK

A developer's perspective on Google's Android

by John Lombardo

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On Monday, November 12, 2007, Google released Android, a complete Linux based software stack aimed directly at the cell phone marketplace. I'll let others talk about what it means for other players in the marketplace, the intricacies of GPL2 vs the Apache License, etc. This article dives straight into the heart of the SDK and API itself, summarizing some of the documentation provided by Google, then jumping into building an application using Android.

Android Emulator
(Click to enlarge)

So, what Is Android?

Android is a complete software stack for mobile devices such as cell phones, PDAs and high end MP3 players. The software stack is split into four layers:
  • The application layer
  • The application framework
  • The libraries and runtime
  • The kernel
Cell phone users obviously work with applications in the application layer. Android developers write those applications using the application framework. Unlike many embedded operating environments, Android applications are all equal -- that is, the applications that come with the phone are no different than those that any developer writes. In fact, using the IntentFilter API, any application can handle any event that the user or system can generate. This sounds a bit scary at first, but Android has a well thought-out security model based on Unix file system permissions that assure applications have only those abilities that cell phone owner gave them at install time. The framework is supported by numerous open source libraries such as openssl, sqlite and libc. It is also supported by the Android core libraries -- more on that in a second. At the bottom of the stack sits the Linux 2.6 kernel, providing the low level hardware interfaces that we all expect from a kernel. This is a Unix based system -- that is, the Unix C APIs are available -- but don't expect to drop to a shell and start executing shell scripts with your old friends grep and awk. Most of the Unix utilities are simply not there. Instead Android supplies a well thought out API for writing applications -- in Java using the Android core libraries.

That's right, Android applications are almost exclusively written in Java. The Android core library is a big .jar file that is supported by the Dalvik Virtual Machine -- a fast and efficient JVM work-alike that enables java-coded applications to work on the Android cell phone. This is similar to, but not the same as using Sun's JVM directly.

Building your development environment

Google provides three versions of the SDK; one for Windows, one for Mac OSX (intel) and one for Linux (x86). They also provide two development environments -- one is Eclipse based, and the other is a "roll your own." The Eclipse based environment is quite feature-rich and should suffice for most developers. There is no reason that you can't use both Eclipse and "roll your own."

If you get stuck in eclipse (like I did), you may find yourself dropping to the command-line interfaces to see what's really going on. However for this article, I'll assume that you're using the Eclipse IDE for your Android software development needs. Once you've downloaded the Android SDK, Eclipse and the Eclipse Plugin, you should work through the first few sections of Google's install document (System and Software Requirements, Installing the SDK, Installing the Eclipse Plugin). I'd leave the rest of the document for later as it does get quite detailed quickly.

Read the Friendly Manual

Google has done a good job of writing a lot of documentation for Android. However, there isn't a great way of knowing what's important to read now vs. what can wait. Here are some links to documents that are important to understand what Android is and how to develop applications using it. If you read them in the order listed, then you'll gain understanding more quickly as you read increasingly detailed documents. Note that a lot of the documentation is available both online and in the SDK_ROOT/docs/index.html directory on your machine. If you have a fast enough connection, I would suggest using the on-line versions since they will be more up to date.

Here's the order in which I suggest you read the documentation:
  • What is Android? Explains what Android is and gives a high-level overview of its features and architecture. Don't dive into the links just yet -- just get a feel for this overall document.
  • Read the Anatomy of an Android Application page. This details the four building blocks of an Android app: Activity, Intent Receiver, Service and Content Provider. Again, don't follow the links just yet -- just get an overview of the architecture. You may want to reread sections on Activities and Intent Receivers -- gaining an understanding of these concepts is critical to understanding how to build an Android application. If you don't get it yet, you'll see it again when you go through the Notepad Application Tutorial.
  • Next read the Development Tools document. Again -- just get a flavor, don't dive into the detail yet.
  • Read the Lifecycle of an Android Application page.
  • Now, finally, it's time to get your hands dirty. Work through the Hello Android page. Make sure you actually do it using Eclipse.
Note: I had a problem here. The first time I ran the application, it worked fine. However on subsequent runs my application would not appear on the emulator. I killed and restarted the emulator, killed and restarted eclipse several times -- no joy. Finally, somewhat frustrated, I was going to re-install everything. However before I did, I found an invisible instance of the Android Debug Bridge (adb) running. I killed it and everything worked again. I thought I had to close the emulator after each run of an application, but this turns out not to be the case. When I closed the emulator after my first run, it left the instance of adb running, which interfered with the subsequent instances.
  • Now go back and read the rest of the Installing the SDK document -- the bottom half of it details some great debugging tips and features.
  • Next, go through the Notepad Application Tutorial. This is where the rubber really meets the road. If you spend the time to go through this series of exercises and really understand the code, you will be well on your way to becoming an Android expert.
  • Read the Developing Android Applications pages. This will take some time -- these articles go into a lot of detail about several topics including how to implement the UI, data storage/retrieval and the security model.
  • Finally, go back through this list and follow the links in the previous documents as topics interest you.
There's a lot of documentation, but if flows together nicely, reflecting the architecture of the environment.

Dissecting the SDK

Whenever I download an SDK, I like to take a look at the files I've installed. Often, there is a wealth of information hidden in the SDK itself that is not readily visible from the documentation. So here's what you'll find in the Android SDK on a Windows machine:
  • android.jar - The Android application framework. Unzipping this jar reveals the entire class structure and all of the supporting classes of the framework. Currently there is no source.
  • docs - 100 megabytes worth of documentation, samples, etc.
  • samples - Six different sample applications - ApiDemos, HelloActivity, LunarLander, NotePad, SkeletonApp and Snake
  • tools - the various SDK binaries such as aapt, acp, and emulator live here.
    • lib - various templates and supporting jar files live in this directory
      • activityCreator - the activityCreator python application lives here.
      • images - The Linux file system images are found in this directory: ramdis.img, system.img and userdata.img. They are YAFFS2 file system images, so I couldn't open them without additional kernel support on my Fedora system.
        • skins - supporting emulator graphics for HVGA and QVGA screens in both landscape and portrait format.
Exercising the SDK

Now that you have read the documentation and set up and debugged a simple project, it's time to look at some real code. Since Google has provided us with several sample applications, the best place to begin is by examining them.
  1. If you have not already done so, execute the first few sections of Google's install document. Stop after you've installed the Eclipse plugin successfully.
  2. Now work through the Hello Android page if you haven't already. This will get you started working with Android applications and the debugger. Note that it's probably a good idea to create a new workspace for your Android projects if you already use Eclipse.
  3. Next we're going to set up Eclipse projects for each of the sample applications. You can never have too much sample code. I'll walk through setting up the Lunar Lander example and leave it as an exercise to the reader to set up the rest.
    1. Bring up the same Eclipse workspace that you used for the Hello Android, and close the project (Right click on the project in package explorer->Close Project).
    2. File->New->Android Project
    3. Project Name: LunarLander
    4. Click the "Create Project from existing source" radio button
    5. Browse to the samples/LunarLander directory in the SDK. If you find the right directory, the Properties fields will auto-fill with the correct information from the Package.
    6. Click Finish
    7. Bring up Eclipse's Console window (Window->Show View->Console) if it's not already visible in a tab at the bottom of the screen. It will show you the build process that Eclipse went through to create the application.
    8. Create a Run Configuration: Run->Open Run Dialog
    9. Highlight "Android Application" in the treeview to the left.
    10. Click the "New button".
    11. Name: Lunar Lander
    12. Click the Browse button next to Project
    13. Double-click the LunarLander project and hit OK
    14. Click the down arrow for the Activity and choose the one and only Activity: com.google.android.lunarlander.LunarLander
    15. Click Apply
    16. Click Run
    17. Switch to the Emulator and play a few rounds of Lunar Lander. Kinda fun.
Repeat for the other applications in the samples directory. This exercise should only take a few minutes -- besides, the Snake game is fun too! If you've taken the time to go through the Notepad Application Tutorial, then you'll be familiar with the NotePad sample -- however, the NotePad sample is fully developed and has features beyond the NotePad developed during the Tutorial.

A File System Explorer Application

Finally, we'll use our new understanding of the Android to develop a simple file system explorer. The version in this article is pretty simple, but it can serve as a jumping-off point for a more serious application down the road.


Before we start writing code, let's think about what a reasonable MP3 player should do. It should
  • Phase I features
    • Show a list of files and directories
    • Allow the user to navigate through the directory structure by clicking on directories
    • Warn the user that he has clicked on a file

  • Phase II features
    • Allow the user to display a dump of a file when it is clicked
    • Use a tree view instead of a simple list
    • Show a dialog box with the filesystem information (size, permissions, etc) when the user clicks on an icon next to each file
    • Give this application permissions to read any file on the file system

  • Phase III features
    • Do all of phase II with pretty graphics, such as thumbnails, nstead of boring dropdowns and list boxes
    • Execute applications that we understand, such as mp3 files

This article will only cover Phase I of the project -- but when we're done, we'll have a functional file system explorer in just a few dozen lines of code.

To proceed with this hands-on example, click here.

New Android Project
(Click to enlarge)

It works!

If you clicked above to follow the hands-on example, you found that in about twenty lines of Java, and a small amount of XML, you've created a useful little application that will allow you to explore the Android's file system. For example, I found the ringtones in /system/media/audio/ringtones, as shown below.

Oooh, ringtones
(Click to enlarge)

As I mentioned in the design section, a lot can be done with this application, and we've hardly touched the surface of what you can do with the Android application environment. There's thee billion cell phones out there. I suspect Google will get their fair share of them, so start cranking out code!


Android is a well-engineered development environment. Writing an Eclipse plug-in was a smart move by Google -- one that should be emulated by other SDK developers. Eclipse gives a developer and environment where he can really think about the business problem without worrying about the boring details. Adding the functionality of the plugin helps developers just sit down and start coding -- without having to worry about all the ins and outs of configuration files and the like.


Android is brand new to the general developer's world. As I write this, it's Wednesday, and the SDK came out on Monday of this week. Since it's brand new, there are some little problems that will have to be solved in the coming releases.
  • Many more examples for the APIs.
  • A more thorough explanation of what does and does not work under the emulator. My first example application was a simple MP3 player.
  • Release the source code. This will make it a lot easier to debug Android applications, as well as write them in the style that the Google developers wrote them.

Theres a lot to like about Android:
  • It's by Google -- so it has a company with some clout behind it.
  • Application Developers write their code in Java. Since the learning curve for Java is much less than that of C/C++/ObjectiveC, there will be many many developers who are eager to start writing applications for Android.
  • The SDK and API are well designed. There is some complexity there, and as I mentioned, the Documentation needs improvement (Google: call me :) -- but a well designed system is easier to understand and learn, even without lots of great examples.

49 Open Source Projects in the Spotlight

49 Open Source Projects in the Spotlight

Too often, open source projects labor in near obscurity. No corporate stipend, no team of publicists, no media blurbs for every new release. But the open source community is a vital source of productive creativity – truly an engine of the future.

Here’s a list of 49 open source projects that deserve a round of applause. You can peruse the full list – and for goodness sake, we think you should – or just jump to a certain area using the miracle of HTML linking:

Audio tools / Communication / Desktop enhancements

Developer tools / Education / Enterprise / Finances

Games / Graphics / Groupware / Messaging / Miscellaneous

Multimedia / Photography / Office Productivity

Audio Tools

1. Audacity
This cross-platform sound recorder and editor receives high marks for its speed and ease of use. Key features include envelope editing, mixing, and built-in effects; supported formats include WAV, AIFF, Ogg, and MP3.

2. Linux MultiMedia Studio
Think you have what it takes to be a record producer? LMMS lets you create music on your computer, including creating loops, synthesizing and mixing sounds, arranging samples, and more.

3. Jajuk
If you have a large or scattered music collection, Jajuk is for you. This jukebox provides a lot of advanced features for users who know what they’re doing, while also being relatively intuitive.


4. Mumble
With Mumble, you can easily talk to other players while gaming, and the voices seem to come from the on-screen characters. Plus, the echo cancellation feature means you won’t get those annoying reverberation effects from your microphone picking up the sound from your speakers.

5. ePresence Interactive Media
Developed at the University of Toronto, ePresence claims to be “the world's first open source webcasting and conferencing solution.” It is designed to support conferences, online meetings, seminars, and demonstrations. Click the “Project Web Site” link from the link above to check out some of the (mostly educational) presentations created with ePresence.

6. Elastix
With final code just released November 2007, Elastix is a brand-new appliance software for Asterisk-based PBX systems. It combines a lot of the most popular Asterisk tools with a unique interface, utilities, and add-ons for a complete open-source VoIP system.

7. trixbox
Formerly known as Asterisk@home, trixbox is another VoIP solution based on the Asterisk PBX software. Ideal for home or small business users, the Web-based interface makes the software easy to set up and use.

Desktop Enhancements

8. LCARS 24
Ever wish your screen looked like those cool interfaces on Star Trek? LCARS 24 offers an alarm clock, calendar, games, maps, etc. all with look of the displays on the Enterprise. It’s probably not something you’d install on your regular computer, but you might want to use it to turn an old DOS laptop into a useful conversation piece.

9. Synergy
If you’ve got more than one computer sitting on your desk, Synergy let’s you use the same mouse and keyboard for both. It works cross-platform, so it’s great if you switch back and forth between a Linux machine and a Windows machine, or a Windows machine and a Mac, etc.

10. LXDE
Lightweight X Desktop Environment does just what the name suggests: it offers a fast desktop for Linux/Unix systems that doesn’t consume a lot of power or memory. Unlike a lot of similar projects, each of the components can be installed separately, so you can use only the pieces you want.

Developer Tools

11. Lazarus
Lazarus offers a complete and easy-to-use programming environment for FreePascal. It runs on Windows, Linux, OS X, and FreeBSD.

12. jEdit
This java-based text editor provides auto-indent and syntax highlighting for more than 130 different programming languages. Its huge library of add-ons gives programmers nearly every feature you could hope for in a text editor.

13. DotNetNuke
DotNetNuke offers an alternative application framework for the Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 platform. If offers enterprise users a versatile, user-friendly means to create cutting-edge Web applications.

14. Mantis
This Web-based bug tracker is free, easy to install, and available in 68 different languages. Written in PHP, it works with MySQL, MS SQL, or PostgreSQL databases and multiple platforms.


15. GCompris
GCompris provides an open source alternative in a category that has very few open source options—children’s educational software. Although the Windows version is somewhat limited, the Linux version offers more than 100 activities for kids age 3 to 10.

16. LogiCampus Educational Platform
Built by a college in Texas, LogiCampus gives educational institutions a free way to manage distance learning and on-campus classes. It gives educators the tools they need to set up an online class and stay in touch with students, and it simplifies tasks like exam scheduling, ordering textbooks, and making course changes.

Having trouble keeping track of all those sources you’re using to write your thesis? WIKINDX manages your quotes, notes, and citations so that they’re easy to search. Best of all, it formats the bibliography information for you based on your choice of style guide.


18. Openbravo ERP
This Web-based enterprise resource planning tool offers small- and medium-sized businesses the benefits of integrated systems management without the high cost. It includes customer resource management (CRM), business intelligence (BI), procurement and warehouse management, project and service management, production management, and financial management capabilities.

19. Compiere
Compiere ERP + CRM Business Solution is designed specifically for the distribution, retail, manufacturing, and service industries. It includes components for managing and reporting on projects, financial management, point-of-sale, e-commerce, service, sales, order management, manufacturing, materials management, purchasing, and performance management.

20. MailArchiva
Thanks to all the new compliance requirements, many organizations must pay closer attention to how long they store e-mail and other messages. MailArchiva works with Exchange and other popular messaging systems to provide long-term storage with an easy “Google-like” search capability.

21. Covide
Covide offers web-based groupware and customer relationship management (CRM) in a single package. It can also integrate with PBX systems to provide VoIP services.

22. Open EMM
This professional e-mail newsletter and marketing software offers many of the features of commercial products, including event- and time-driven transaction e-mails. It makes it easy to manage bounced e-mails, as well as providing advanced tracking and statistics.


23. Buddi
Buddi makes it easy to set up a household budget and track your finances, even if you’ve never done it before. The feature set is purposefully small so that financial novices won’t get confused, but it does allow you to create reports and graphs so that you can see exactly where all your money went.

24. GFD
This personal finance manager runs on any Java-enabled operating system and is available in 11 different languages. While it’s still easy for novices to use, it includes some advanced filtering, report, and chart capabilities for tracking your household finances.


25. FreeCol
Remember the old game Colonization? This is a free version where you start with a few colonists on a boat and try to create an independent nation. (Also similar to Civilization.)

26. PokerTH
Have you fallen prey to the Texas Hold ‘Em craze? PokerTH lets you play against up to six computer opponents or online players from around the world.

27. Scorched3D
This is a 3D version of the old DOS game Scorched Earth. In case you don’t remember how it’s played, you use your tanks to try to blow up your opponent’s tanks. The new version has much better graphics, as well as changing environmental conditions and the ability to network with 24 other online players at a time.

28. UFO:Alien Invasion
In this futuristic sci-fi game, you and your secret organization must defend the earth against an alien invasion. While you hurry to maneuver your troops for tactical advantage in skirmishes with the aliens, you also have to try to uncover the secret alien plot in time to save humanity from certain doom.


29. Inkscape
If you’d rather not spend the many, many dollars you need to stay up-to-date on the latest releases of Adobe Illustrator, try Inkscape. This vector graphics editor is compatible with Windows, OS X, and Linux, and it includes features like transparency, gradients, node editing, pattern fills, PNG export, and more.

30. Art of Illusion
This 3D modeling and rendering studio boasts many of the features of much more expensive applications, including subdivision surface based modeling tools, skeleton based animation, and a graphical language for designing procedural textures and materials. And because it’s built in Java, it’s platform-independent.


31. Group-Office
Group-Office groupware allows work groups to share calendar, project management, e-mail, tasks, addressbook, and file management information. It works with the company Intranet or the Internet, and users can use any browser they like.

32. Simple Groupware
Built in sgsML for easy customization, Simple Groupware is a standards-based enterprise-ready groupware application. It offers email, calendaring, contacts, tasks, document management, synchronization with cell phones and Outlook, and full-text search. Plus, it’s simple to install, update, use, and adapt to your needs.


33. aMSN
Have friends who only use MSN for instant messaging? This platform-neutral MSN messenger clone lets you keep in touch without actually using a Microsoft product.

34. SquirrelMail
The “Webmail for Nuts” is written in PHP and renders pages in pure HTML 4.0 for maximum compatibility. An active community has developed more than 65 plug-ins that extend SquirrelMail’s capabilities and make it even easier to use.

35. Miranda IM
This instant messaging client for Windows aims to be “smaller, faster, easier.” It supports multiple protocols, including AIM, Jabber, ICQ, IRC, MSN, Yahoo, and Gadu-Gadu, and it has hundreds of handy plug-ins as well.


36. StarDict
Modestly calling itself “the best free dictionary program in Linux and Windows,” StarDict searches multiple international dictionary databases to find the correct spelling, definition, and/or translation for any word. The latest version (released November 2007) includes full-text translation, fuzzy queries, and more.

37. Gramps
Genealogy continues to be one of the country’s most popular hobbies, and Gramps (Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System) gives you many of the tools of more costly family tree tracking applications for free. It was developed by genealogists and offers a huge wiki of advice for how to trace your ancestry. Plus, its name is one of the best acronyms we’ve ever seen.

38. NavIt
NavIt is an open-source alternative for in-vehicle navigation. It works with multiple maps and is touch-screen friendly.

39. Gnaural
It already does everything else--now your computer can help you meditate. Using something called the “binaural beat principle,” Gnaural generates audio tones designed to get you in the right frame of mind for relaxation.


40. MediaPortal
MediaPortal aims to turn your PC or TV into a complete media center. It combines DVR capabilities with a radio tuner, audio player, video player, and more.

41. NicePlayer
NicePlayer calls itself “Quite simply, the nicest media player for Mac.” The base version plays the same types of files as QuickTime, and add-ons provide support for most other types of video files.

42. xine
Xine plays CDs, DVDs, and VCDs, as well as decoding and playing most types of audio and video files. Written in Assembly and C, Xine works with OS X, Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris.


43. Gallery
Gallery makes it easy to add a photo library to your personal or business Web site. Key features include user authentication, automatic thumbnails, mirroring, themes, and more.

44. Souvenance
Unlike most photo gallery programs, the XML-based Souvenance doesn’t require a separate database, making it really fast to deploy. It was just released in October of 2007, so it’s still a very much work in progress.

Office Productivity

45. OpenProj
This project manager will look and feel very familiar to users of Microsoft Project, and it even opens MSProject files. It works on multiple platforms, and was downloaded more than 100,000 times in the first month it was released.

46. OpenOffice.org Portable
Now you can take the entire OpenOffice.org suite (Writer, Impress, Math, Draw, Calc, Base) with you wherever you go. Simply load OpenOffice.org onto a USB drive, CD, iPod, or other portable drive and you can use the programs without installing them in your system.

47. PDF Split and Merge
Need to cut a long pdf file down to size? Or would you like to combine two shorter documents? PDF Split and Merge lets you do both without having to purchase the costly software.

48. PDFCreator
As you might expect, PDFCreator creates PDF files from any Windows program. It can also create PNG, JPG, TIFF, BMP, PCX, PS, and EPS files, as well as encrypting PDF files.

49. MultiMedia Office
This package from Plata Software combines some of the most popular open source software into a single package. It includes OpenOffice.org, Audacity, GIMP, VirtualDub, Thunderbird, and Opera.

Streaming audio

this week, the sample streaming audio system should be set up to show Siemens the capaility of bicom to provide the LI solution.

Following are the current status for this:


http progressive download may be the most-like solution now.

maybe reference http://www.icecast.org/ http://www.shoutcast.com/

google search
"streaming media" +http
"streaming audio" +http


2007年11月7日 星期三

mozilla's web ap

mozilla's candicate is Prism ( http://wiki.mozilla.org/WebRunner )
Prism is a simple XULRunner based browser that hosts web applications without the normal web browser user interface. Prism is based on a concept called Site Specific Browsers (SSB). An SSB is an application with an embedded browser designed to work exclusively with a single web application. It doesn’t have the menus, toolbars and accoutrements of a normal web browser. Some people have called it a "distraction free browser" because none of the typical browser chrome is used. An SSB also has a tighter integration with the OS and desktop than a typical web application running through a web browser.

2007年11月2日 星期五

Full Mail Server Solution w/ Virtual Domains & Users (Debian Etch, Postfix, Mysql, Dovecot, DSpam, ClamAV, Postgrey, RBL)


Full Mail Server Solution w/ Virtual Domains & Users
(Debian Etch, Postfix, MySQL, DoveCot, DSpam, ClamAV, Postgrey, RBL)

This tutorial is Copyright
(c) 2007 by Justin Refice. It is
derived from various guides and original material, listed at the end of
the document.
You are free to use this tutorial under the Creative Commons license
2.5 or any later version.

I. Introduction

This guide describes how to set up a full email solution in
Debian Linux (all code is from Debian Etch). I was asked to
design a secure, scalable, portable solution for a small company.
While the guide references many 'servers', the
company only had 4 physical machines, Xen was used to virtualize the
solution. That particular aspect of the system is not
discussed in this guide, although I will try to get it into the next

Just a note on the server names used below: If it doesn't need
to be accessed by the internet, don't let it be. Domain names
ending in internal.example.com are internal NIC/IP Addresses... there
no way to access them directly from the internet, nor should there be.
Any server that ONLY has an internal.example.com domain name
is a pure-internal server, and can't be accessed directly from the
All non-internal
servers have two NICS (These can be two real NICs, or virtual).
The first NIC has access to the internet, and is strictly
firewalled. The second NIC has access to the internal
network, and has a little less security as a result. The
details of how to setup these NICs are outside the scope of this
document, but I may update it to include them in the future.

The general
layout of the servers is:

Primary MX:

NIC1 = Insecure/Internet = mx-1.example.com

NIC2 = Secure/Intranet = mx-1.internal.example.com

MTA: Postfix

Greylist Filter: Postgrey

Secondary MX:

NIC1 = Insecure/Internet = mx-2.example.com

NIC2 = Secure/Intranet = mx-2.internal.example.com

MTA: Postfix

Greylist Filter: Postgrey


NIC1 = Insecure/Internet = secure-mail.example.com

NIC2 = Secure/Intranet = secure-mail.internal.example.com

MTA: Postfix (+TLS/SSL)

IMAP: Dovecot (IMAPS)

Mail Delivery Server: postman.internal.example.com

MTA (lmtp): DSPAM

Antivirus: ClamAV

IMAP: Dovecot

Database Server: sql-1.internal.example.com


File Server: files-1.internal.example.com


Temporary Build Server: build.internal.example.com

<Various Tools>

Mail works in the following way:

Internet mail to your domains:

1. Mail comes in to Primary or Secondary MX on port 25

2. MX queries MySQL server to see if mail recipient &
destination are valid:

a. Recipient is unauthorized - Mail is rejected (550 Error)

b. Recipient is authorized - Mail is is allowed to continue

3. MX checks greylist policy:

a. This is the first time email is tried - Mail is rejected

b. This is not the first time email is tried - Mail is
allowed to continue

4. MX checks for quota violations

a. The user's quota is full - Mail is bounced

b. The user has room - Mail is delivered

5. MX Sends mail to Internal Delivery Server (via LMTP)

6. Internal Delivery Server checks for Virus/SPAM

a. This is SPAM - SPAM is marked, and given to LDA for

b. This is a virus - Mail is rejected

c. This is NOT SPAM and NOT VIRUS - Mail is given to LDA

7. LDA Delivers mail

a. The mail is marked as SPAM - Delivered to "SPAM"
directory in Maildir

b. The mail is NOT marked as SPAM - Delivered to inbox.

Internet mail from your domains:

1. User initiates connection to SMTP Relay on port 25

2. SMTP Relay offers TLS:

a. User does not use TLS - Mail is rejected

b. User does use TLS - Session is is allowed to continue

3. SMTP Relay offers AUTH (PLAIN):

a. User does not authenticate/Fails Authentication - Mail is

b. User does authenticate - Session completes as usual

Remote users access mail via IMAPS (Secure IMAP)

Local users access mail via IMAP

If the user detects a false positive SPAM detection, they
forward the email to

If the user detects a false negative SPAM detection, they forward the
email to

II. Important Notes

All this may be installed in either Debian 4.0 Etch or Ubuntu
Feisty Fawn, since both systems are quite similar. Note however that
there may
be some minor issues if you use the default version of Dovecot and Postfix, but I
will try to note them down for you when they arise.

If you are a Ubuntu user, note that I will not use “sudo” in
front of every command. Instead, I will launch a root shell using the
command “sudo -s”.

Installing software in Ubuntu & Debian is very easy,
so whenever possible we'll
be using the build in apt-get
utility. The less we have
to build ourselves, the easier it is to maintain later.

So, let's get started!

Full Mail Server Solution w/ Virtual Domains & Users - Page 02 (MySQL & NFS)

III. Installing and configuring MySQL Server (+PostFixAdmin

First off, we need to install the MySQL server on
sql-1.internal.example.com. To make life easy,
we're also going to install the MySQL command line client. This can be
by typing the following at the prompt:

# apt-get install mysql-server

After apt-get has done its installation mojo, you're going to
want to lock the root access to the mysql database. This is done using
the mysqladmin

# mysqladmin -u root password

NOTE: Change
mypassword to your own
secure password!!!

Now we're going to create the database and users for Virtual
Users & Domains. It's important
to note that Postfix (And Dovecot) only require SELECT access to this
database. PostfixAdmin will

# mysql -uroot -p

Enter password:

mysql> CREATE DATABASE virtual_mail;

mysql> GRANT SELECT ON virtual_mail.* TO
'vmail_user'@'mx-1.example.com' IDENTIFIED BY 'vmail_user_password';

mysql> GRANT SELECT,UPDATE,INSERT ON virtual_mail.* TO
'vmail_admin'@'mx-1.example.com' IDENTIFIED BY

mysql> GRANT SELECT ON virtual_mail.* TO
'vmail_user'@'mx-2.example.com' IDENTIFIED BY 'vmail_user_password';

mysql> GRANT SELECT,UPDATE,INSERT ON virtual_mail.* TO
'vmail_admin'@'mx-2.example.com' IDENTIFIED BY

mysql> quit

NOTE: Change
vmail_user_password and
vmail_admin_password to
your own secure passwords!!!

Now we need to download
Postfix Admin
. While the tool itself is not
manditory for our
configuration, it is very useful and the schema it uses are
thought out. Once you have downloaded the Postfix Admin distribution
tarball, unpack it like this:

# tar xfvz postfixadmin-2.1.0.tgz

Inside the resulting directory, open postfixadmin-2.1.0/DATABASE_MYSQL.TXT
with your favorite text editor. Remove all the lines under the "Postfix
/ MySQL" section. These lines
create the initial database, which we've already done. For Postfix
Admin 2.1.0 these are lines 26-39.

When complete, load the file into your existing MySQL table
with the following command:

# mysql -uroot -p virtual_mail <

NOTE: If you
get an error saying "Access denied for user 'mail'@'localhost'
to database 'mysql'", then you didn't comment out the lines properly.
If you get no message after entering
your password, then everything went fine.

IV. NFS File Share Server

A lot of servers are going to require access to our users
Maildir folders, so in order
to make life simple(r), we're going to install them on an NFS mount.
One of the benefits of
Maildir is that it is compatible with NFS. Mailbox format on the other
hand, would not be pretty. Luckily, setting up NFS in Debian is just as
simple as setting up any other

Let's start by installing the service on

# apt-get install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common portmap

The NFS Exports (Shares) are controlled by the file /etc/exports. Each line begins
with the absolute local path of a directory to be exported, followed by
a space-seperated
list of allowed clients. NFS can be extremely powerful, but I'm not
going to go into the full details here. For our purposes, the following
would do:


/vmail mx-1.internal.example.com(ro, insecure) mx-2.internal.example.com(ro, insecure) postman.internal.example.com(rw, no_root_squash) secure-mail.internal.example.com(rw, no_root_squash)

If you make changes to /etc/exports
on a running NFS server, you can make the changes effective by issuing
the command:

# exportfs -a

We're going to need a real-user to handle all the virtual
mappings in our setup. For this
solution, we're going to use user id 150. This user id is for a
specifically created "Virtual Mail" user. It uses the standard "mail"
group, with the default (Debian) gid of 8. You can create the user and
directory like this:

# useradd -r -u 150 -g mail -d /var/vmail -s /sbin/nologin -c "Virtual
Mailbox" vmail

# mkdir /vmail

# chmod 770 /vmail/

# chown vmail:mail /vmail/

NOTE: This
user will need to be created on all servers which will be accessing
this share (mx-1, mx-2, postman, files-1, secure-mail). If the user
doesn't exist,
you could get file
access errors. While NIS could be used to create a single host for this
user, that's outside the range of this