2009年9月3日 星期四

virtual machine tools

Virt Manager 0.8 sports new cloning, management wizards

Virutal machine Manager - Initially Xen was the primary platform supported, however, since libvirt 0.2.0 and virt-manager 0.3.1 it is possible to manage QEMU and KVM guests too. It is expected that support for additional hypervisors / virtualization products will expand even further over time as additional libvirt drivers are written.

VMXBuilder provides tools to manage VMWare. e.g. create .vmx files, VMware DiskManager etc.

VM Back - Virtualization Tricks and Tools.

Virtual Disk Driver - With VDK you can mount a VMware virtual disk to your Windows hosts and use them as another disk drive attached to your system.

Virtualizing 64-bit Guest on 32-bit Hosts
