2008年6月29日 星期日

WINE, ReactOS, Linux Unified kernel

Interesting reading about
ReactOS and
Linux Unified Kernel.

WINE is used to run unmodified Windows AP in Linux.

ReactOS is to provide a free and open source windows os clone.

The Linux Unified Kernel is a project to import certain key features of the Microsoft Windows operating system into the Linux kernel. The project is hosted by Insigma, and is issued under the GPL.

According to its developers, the current version of (0.2.1) provides several Windows mechanism implementations, including process/thread management, object management, virtual memory management, synchronization, etc. The relevant system calls are implemented to replace the services running in the user space, as well.

E/OS (Emulator Operating System) is a virtual machine emulation system.

E/OS is primarily based on the Linux kernel, QEMU, XFree86, and Wine, and is intended to be a replacement for operating systems such as Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, BeOS, OS/2, DOS, and Linux.

HX DOS-Extender is a free DOS extender with built-in Win32 PE file format support. Usually the purpose of a DOS extender is to make protected-mode features, especially large memory and 32-bit addressing, available for DOS applications.
Here is his home page.
